Jui-Lung Chen goes undefeated to win the 13th Houston Open

Denis Strickland, John Macias, Trish Strickland and Jui-Lung Chen

Thanks go out to the 120 players who showed up for there chance at the $31,563 that was paid out at this event. Some of the top picks were Charlie Bryant, Jeremy Jones, Jui-Lung Chen, Franco, Jeff Abernathy, James Davis Sr., Tommy Sanders and Sylver Ochoa.

Chen with his ever friendly smile continued all weekend to take down players, some quick and some hill-hill. Chen plays with such confidence that we can see why he has been winning tournaments all across Texas. Chen is also the current Texas Open Champion!

When it came down to the hot seat it was Jeff Franklin that would have his chance at Chen. Chen however got a few rolls and took the hot seat with a 9-1 score line leaving Jeff looking dazed.

On the other side of the bracket it was proving to be tough as top picks were falling short of the top positions. Charlie Bryant ended his run for a repeat win in 7th-8th position along with co-room owner Ted Dean who played hard all weekend. Great tournament Ted! Sylver Ochoa and the ever solid James Davis Sr. Filled the 5th-6th positions.

Davis Henson, what can we say about this Texas player as he always seems to find his way to the top of the charts! Jeff Franklin found himself waiting on John Macias for his second chance at Chen, but John was working on making up for "lost" ground this weekend as he rolled past Jeff and in to the finals. The finals proved to be a great match. when the score reached 9-5 it appeared to be over, but you can never count out John Macias as he won the next three racks to make it hill-hill! But in the end "Chen Wins" with a break and run! Thanks to the tournament directors Denis and Trish Strickland and there helper JD Hymel for running a great tournament! Thanks go out to the sponsors Mindy and Craig Cohen of Legends Billiards, Jerry Olivier Custom Cues and Strick-ly used cars, and to our vendors Ron Geyer of the Custom Cue Connection and Joe Salazar with the Connoisseur of Custom Cues.

Total Payouts
1st Jui-Lung Chen $10,910
2nd John Macias $7445
3rd Jeff Franklin $5330
4th David Henson $3495
5th/6th Sylver Ochoa, James Davis Sr. $2125
7th/8th Charlie Bryant, Ted Dean $1511
9th/12th John Weeks, Barry Strickland, Derek Fontenot, Denis Strickland $422
13th/16th Charlie Mora, Ben Allogio, Travis Stanper, Daniel G. $325