Sossei wins shortened finals match on Predator Open/Pro against Jorge Rodriguez

Jeremy Sossei went undefeated through a field of 18 Open/Pro competitors on the September 13-14 stop on the Predator Tour. Sossei split the top two prizes with Jorge Rodriguez, as the two agreed to a shortened final match, won by Sossei. The $500-added event was hosted by Steinway Billiards in  Astoria (Queens), NY, along with a concurrently-run, $500-added Amateur event (separate story).
Sossei and Rodriguez met twice in the Open/Pro event; once, in the second round, in a double hill battle that advanced Sossei, and again in the shortened finals. Sossei moved on to winners' side semifinal against Jonathan Smith. Chris Derewonski and Hunter Lombardo squared off in the other. Sossei sent Smith to the losers' bracket 7-3 and in the hot seat match, faced Derewonski, who'd defeated Lombardo 7-5. Sossei defeated Derewonski 7-5 and waited on Rodriguez.
On the loss side, Rodriguez began his six-match, loss-side trip to the finals with a shutout over teenager Zhi Ting Wu, who had just battled Shane Van Boening to double hill before giving way.
"That's probably what led Jorge to come on so strong against her," said TD Tony Robles.
 Rodriguez went on to survive a double hill fight against Nigel Francis, and then eliminate Robles 7-3, to pick up Smith. Lombardo drew Jayson Shaw, who'd eliminated Shane Van Boening and Zion Zvi, both 7-3. Zvi had been responsible for ending Strickland's day, just ahead of his own demise at the hands of Shaw.
Lombardo and Smith picked up their second straight loss; Lombardo falling to Shaw in a double hill match, and Smith being dominated by Rodriguez 7-1. Rodriguez locked up with Shaw in his third double hill fight, and defeated him for a shot against Derewonski in the semifinals. Rodriguez finished Derewonski's day 7-4.
It was at this point that Rodriguez and Sossei agreed to a split of the top prizes and agreed to play a shortened, race-to-5 final. Sossei won that 5-3 to claim the event title.