![]() Amanda Lampert And Cristina De La Garza |
Twenty-four ladies showed for the eleventh event of the Fast Eddie's Olhausen 9 Ball Tour sponsored by Ray Schuler Legacy Cues at the Embassy location in San Antonio. With the point's race for Player of the Year title still up for grabs, these ladies had one thing on their minds – “Let's play pool!”
Top picks in a very talented field were Amanda Lampert, Kyu Yi, Terry Petrosino, Jennifer Kraber, Kawania Watson, Cristina De la Garza, Helen Hayes and Melinda Hinojosa.
We would like to first recognize a great lady for all of her hard work for promoting pool with the ladies Hunter Tour and working so tirelessly by participating and promoting all the Tours throughout the southwest. That fine lady is Melinda Hinojosa. You are a real asset to the sport.
Finishing in the 5-6th positions were Terry Petrosino and Jennifer Kraber. Both ladies are fierce competitors.
Jumping into the 4th placement was BCA ladies champion Kawania Watson. Kawania spends most of her playing time on bar boxes readying herself for the nationals so this was an excellent showing on the big tables.
With her ever-present smile and energy for the game, it's hard to miss Helen Hayes of San Antonio at an event. Helen made a great showing by finishing in 3rd place.
The hot seat match came down to Cristina De la Garza and Amanda Lampert with Amanda coming out on top in a very close match at 7-5.
Cristina's game has improved immensely over the past two seasons. She has become very comfortable in high-pressure situations. She has made quite a name for herself not only on our Tour but also on the Hunter Classic Ladies Tour.
Amanda Lampert's winning streak continues on from last year as she won the 2005 Lady Player of the Year award along with too many titles to list here.
With Cristina prevailing in the finals of the one loss side against Helen Hayes, she won her chance at a rematch against Amanda for the final match. Amanda was not to be denied as she dominated the final match by a score of 7-1.
Congratulations to all the ladies for competing!
We would like to give Summer Bowen and her staff a big thank you for hosting another great event.
To Olhausen and Schuler Cues, it has been another great year and without your participation and generosity this could not happen. We thank you!.
Ron Geyer of the Custom Cue Connection, Jack Kompan of Mystick Cues, Robbie Timms of Behind the 8-Ball, Joe Salazar of Connoissuer of Custom Cues, and Tino Lopez of Teodora's Tacos are always there and very supportive. The tour is really fortunate to have you all.
Last, but hardly least, thanks to Fast Eddie's and especially Mark Lewis.
This concluded our fourth year and the Tour continues in 2007. Our first event next year will be at the south Houston Fuqua location on January 20-21.
The December 2-3 Season Finale will be held at Fast Eddie's N.W. Military location. Remember, you had to have only played in one regular season event to qualify for the Finale this year. Come one, come all and let's have a GREAT Finale.
Complete Results:
1st Amanda Lampert $650
2nd Cristina De la Garza $410
3rd Helen Hayes $260
4th Kawania Watson $165
5-6th Jennifer Kraber, Terry Petrosino $70