BCA to Escrow U.S. Open Funds

A key hurdle in the talks between the ABP and Barry Behrman has been crossed. One of the prime objectives of the ABP was to have the prize money placed in escrow. Thanks to the Billiard Congress of America and the efforts of their Executive Director, Rob Johnson, this has now been accomplished.

The BCA is ready to begin accepting player entry fees and to escrow the $50,000 in added money for this year's U.S. Open. Mr. Behrman has stated that this added money will be submitted to the escrow account on or before September 20, one month prior to the U.S. Open. According to Mr. Behrman: "Shannon and I have never had to escrow money before in the entire history of the Open. But we are willing to do this in order to meet the request of the ABP. In fact, the ABP only requested an escrow two weeks ahead of the event and I am insisting on a one-month window so that the players will have the proper amount of time to make their travel plans without penalties." With this objective reached it is now hoped that the two sides can come together and reach a final agreement. For if they do not, then there are no winners and everyone loses. The players lose a big payday, the U.S. Open loses key players, the sponsors lose and the fans lose. Without an agreement there can be no winners and our sport takes another tumble away from the heights it deserves.