Day one US Open upsets

Mika Immonen had his hands full with Ismael Paez on Monday

What do Danny Basavich, James Baraks, Vincent Facquet, Ismael Paez, Max Eberle and Jonathan Hennessee have in common? They will all start day two of the 30th Annual US Open 9-Ball Championship on the one loss side.

While some of these players first round losses were not surprising based on who they drew (Paez vs Immonen, Hennessee vs Marlon Manalo), others are complete surprises as Basavich lost to Virginia native Larry Kressel and Baraks lost to David Hall.

Round two is shaping up to be an exciting one with marquee matchups like Howard Vickery vs Frankie Hernandez, Luc Salvas vs Bobby Hunter, Dee Adkins vs Joey Korsiak, Fabio Petroni vs young gun Sylver Ochoa, Niels Feijen vs Oscar Dominguez and what will surely be an entertaining match Keith McCready vs Shane Van Boening.

Online brackets are complete with almost all of Monday's matches.

File photo courtesy of Diana Hoppe - Pool Pics by Hoppe