Joshua Filler New World Number 1

Joshua Filler

Following the World Pool Championship (9-Ball), the WPA has updated its men’s rankings list which is available at <>

The WPA rankings are the world’s official list. The points are compiled from WPA sanctioned events that carry ranking points. Only tournaments that are open to all eligible players can be considered so that all players have the opportunity to earn points.

As can be seen from the updated list, Joshua Filler of Germany is the new number 1, replacing previous holder, Ko, Ping Chung of Taiwan. It was unfortunate for Ko that he was unable to participate and maybe retain his number 1 spot, but because of travel restrictions he was unable to attend. Many countries were affected by travel bans thereby preventing players from earning valuable points.

WPA points are very valuable for players as they can often determine sponsorship opportunities for players, as well as funding assistance from some national governments or national Olympic Committees. This type of funding often covers travel expenses such as air ticket and hotels for players, perhaps an annual allowance, plus it can earn bonuses for players who win world championships or medals. WPA points are the only points that can be considered for player selection to Multi Sport Events such as the World Games which will be played in Birmingham, Alabama July 2022, or for Olympic Games if our sport should ever be included on the Olympic Program.