Neumayer over Sossei for Joss Tour Win

Christoph Neumayer and Jeremy Sossei with room owner Holden Chin

The plan to win a pool tournament is pretty straight forward: Win more games against every opponent that you play. Sometimes thought, you don’t have to win more games than every opponent, you just need to time those wins properly. 

The Joss NE 9-Ball Tour was in action at Raxx Pool Room, Sports Bar & Grill over the November 11th – 12th weekend for stop nine on this years tour. The fifty three player field narrowed down to Jeremy Sossei, Victor Nau, Christoph Neumayer and John Francisco left in the winner’s bracket by the end of the day on saturday. 

Early matches on Sunday saw Sossei with a 9-1 win over Nau, and Neumayer with a 9-5 win over Francisco. The match for the hot-seat came down to Sossei winning two more racks than Neumayer in a 9-7 match. 

Meanwhile, the one loss side was down to Hunter Lombardo and Jonathan Smith. Smith had lost his first match of the day on Saturday, while Lombardo had only won one winners side match before dropping a hill-hill decision to Sossei on Saturday. Between Lombardo and Smith, they had won a total of twelve matches on the left side of the board. Smith added another win to his tally, with a 7-5 victory over Lombardo, but that would be the end of the line for him, as he dropped the semi-final match to Neumayer. 

The double elimination finals saw Neumayer make up for his two rack deficit from earlier in the day as he scored back-to-back hill-hill wins over Sossei. With the two wins Neumayer evened his record against Sossei to 23-23 for the day. They didn’t have to play a tie-breaker though, as the extra two wins in the finals earned Neumayer first place in the event. 

Sunday’s second chance tournament was a little less dramatic, with James Yoneda going undefeated and beating Ray Lee for the hot-seat and again in the finals for first place. 

The Joss NE 9-Ball Tour will be back in action this weekend at Snookers Sports Billiards, Bar & Grill for the 35th Annual Ocean State 9-Ball Championship. 

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