US Open 10-Ball Championship Underway, Barely

We had only just begun the US Open 10-Ball rounds last night when the lights went out due to the storm that ravaged the city for nearly an hour. Some of the opening round matches had finished but many were left in progress and will be completed this morning.

Matches of note that were able to be completed included doughnut wins by Ralf Souquet and Karl Boyes. Shane Van Boening had time to defeat Donny Mills 9-3 and Danny Olson upset Chris Bartram 9-3. Santos Sambajon sent Mark Haddad left 9-3 and John Morra handled Chris Lawson easily at 9-2. Jayson Shaw and Charlie Williams also had time to win before the darkness fell on the room.

So the 10 Ball has just begun and the real action begins this morning. We will keep you posted as to the results.