Robles and Van Boening advance at 2007 US Open

Tony Robles

Day two is complete at the 2007 US Open 9-Ball Championship and the day did not go by without it's fair share of surprises.

One of the big matches of the day saw Rafael Martinez face Tony Robles in the Chalk Off Arena. That match went to Robles in a pretty one sided 11-5 fashion. The next match in the Chalk Off Arena saw two young guns face off as Shane Van Boening played Sylver Ochoa. Neither of these two hotshots displayed their A games, but Van Boening was still able to score an 11-5 victory to remain undefeated.

Players taking early trips to the one loss side included Mika Immonen, Luc Salvas, Fabio Petroni, BJ Ussery and Brady Gollan. Immonen lost a hill-hill thrilled to Japan's #1 player Naoyuki Oi.

Tuesday's marquee matches include Raj Hundal vs Ernesto Dominguez, Jeremy Jones vs Louie Ulrich, Tommy Kennedy vs Joey Korsiak, Gabe Owen vs Tony Crosby and Ralf Souquet vs Justin Bergman.

Check out our US Open coverage page for brackets, photos and video updates all throughout the event.

Photo courtesy of Diana Hoppe