Eurotour Gets Underway in Paris

Thursday, February 10, 2011: The tournament has started this morning on 20 tables. There is a lot of tension and excitement in the air. Participants from all over Europe swarmed into the Leader Billard Club, the venue of the first Euro-Tour stop this year. The interior is quite unique and the big pictures on the high walls remind of famous pool players from former and modern times. A perfect setup for many interesting matches to come during the next three days.

The players can basically be divided into three groups: The experienced top-players, the regular travelers and the locals. While most top players received a walk-over in their first round match, the "internationals" and the "locals" have to fight their way through the event from the very beginning. The fact that well known Champions sit ringside watching players they could potentially face as opponents themselves in the next round does not help to relieve the tension off the players who are currently performing their matches.
The event will be hosted by the European Governing Body for Pool, the European Pocket Billiard Federation (EPBF) and organized by International Billiard Promotion (IBP). For further information and reference please go to the event website or contact our press office.