Ada Lio

1974-12-27 Birthdate
USA Country
Union City, NJ Residence
Amsterdam Billiards, Jacoby Custom Cues Sponsor(s)
Jacoby Custom Cues Equipment(s)


WPBA Social Media Director

Ada Lio started playing pool recreationally in college and then joined the American Poolplayers Association (APA) in 2003. In 2010, she expanded playing in additional leagues such as the Billiards Congress of America (BCA) in-house leagues at Amsterdam Billiards and Society Billiards as well as Tony Robles' National Amateur Pool League (NAPL). Eventually she decided to compete on a wider scale including the Tri-State Tour, Tony Robles' Predator Tour, and JPNEWT. In 2018, she was invited to play with the Women's Professional Billiards Association (WPBA).

Her titles include:
  • 2018 NYC Pool Championships 8-ball Scotch Doubles - 1st place
  • 2018 Predator Tour (ABCD 9-ball) - 1st place
  • 2017 APA Scotch Doubles National Championships - Qualifier
  • 2016 APA Jack & Jill National Championships - Qualifier
  • 2016 APA Singles National Championships - Qualifier
  • 2014 Tri-State Tour - Ladies Player of the Year (2013-2014)
  • 2014 Tri-State Tour (ABCD 9-ball) - 1st place
  • US Amateur Championship Women's Preliminary - Qualifier (2017, 2016, 2012)