Team picture before the start of the match left to right: Kaczmarek, Witkowksi, Batkowski Kivela, Hu
Sarajevo, Bosnia & Hercegovina: The Polish junior team has defeated team Finland with 2:0.
The Polish were the favored team and they lived up to their expectations. Of course, Sebastian Batkowski (POL) was playing straight pool. The newly crowned European Champion hammered Aargo
Virrankoski (FIN) with 100:27. At about the same time, Pawel Kaczmarek (POL) won his 9-ball match against Jesse Waltteri Huttunen (FIN) with 8:6. That turned the score 2:0 for Poland. No more chance for Finland to get a foot back in the door. The 8-ball match between Maciej Witkowski (POL) and Jesse Kivela (FIN) was halted at 5:5.
The match between Turkish North Cyprus and Bulgaria turned out to be a heartbreaker. Anton Zlatev (BUL) whitewashed Huseyin Alnar (TNC) with 7:0 in 8-ball. It was Berk Mehmetcik (TNC) who leveled the match at 1:1 when he won his straight pool over Spasian Spasov (BUL) with 100:92. The decision had to come in the 9-ball match between Mehmetali Sözgen (TNC) and Martin Todorov (BUL). That match went up and down for both players. Todorov took early leads with 3:1 and 5:3 in a race to 8. Then Sözgen turned the tide and pulled game after game back from Todorov, even getting a 6:5 advantage over the Bulgarian. But then the match turned again. Todorov came up with some stunning pool and took the next three racks in a row, winning the 9-ball with 8:6. That sealed the match with a 2:1 victory for team Bulgaria.
Other notable results include junior's team Bosnia & Hercegovina falling to the sharp blade of team Norway with 2:1. The Dutch juniors had to give in to team Sweden with 2:1 though Sweden only played with two contestants.
The event is hosted by the European Governing Body for Pool, the European Pocket Billiard Federation (EPBF) and organized by International Billiard Promotion (IBP). For further information and reference please go to the federation website
www.billiardapps.com or contact our press office.