UPA LOC Continues to Grow Leaps and Bounds

PHOENIX, AZ (September 15, 2010) - This past year has seen the United States Professional Poolplayers Association's (UPA) League of Champions flourish throughout the country.  There have been many states join the league via operators ready to see a change in play in their respective areas.  The latest to add their home base to the map include Germaine Sefuert in Denver, Colorado (the first UPA league in the state) and Sebastian Karwas located in Bergen County, New Jersey.  Karwas is the second in the state to bring the league to its home turf.  
Germaine Sefuert decided to turn her passion for pool into a creative business venture by offering local players a spirited league with professional aspects.  Denver not only offers beautiful scenery but now offers the players of the region a challenging cash league.  
Sebastian Karwas, located in Bergen County, New Jersey, is part of the New York Metropolitan area which will provide a breakout opportunity to a huge mass of players to play in the UPA League of Champions.  The county is known as the most heavily populated county in the state so watch out players, we anticipate some tough stats coming your way.  
If you are interested in joining a local League of Champions simply click here to find your local League Operator's information.  
Special thanks to continuous league sponsors Poison Cues, Instroke Cases, and Frank's Center.  This month's Poison cue was passed along to Mike Gagnon.  Mike plays in Thomas Wimler's league in the great little state of Connecticut.  Enjoy the cue Mike and many thanks to our league sponsors!  
If you would like to learn more about the UPA organization as a whole or are interested in more information about becoming a League Operator, visit our website.  To contact us directly with questions, please call (877) 788-7227.