US Open Ready To Begin

Ryan McCreesh and Keith McCready will meet in the first round

With a total field of 198 players, the 29th Annual US Open is ready to get underway on Monday morning.

The field is jam packed with top 9-ball talent from the US and abroad including Alex Pagulayan, Fabio Petroni, Francisco Bustamante, Shannon Daulton, Buddy Hall, Efren Reyes, Corey Deuel, Mike Davis, Rodolfo Luat, Ralf Souquet, Johnny Archer, Tommy Kennedy, Jose Parica, Thorsten Hohmann, Keith McCready, Jeremy Jones, Niels Feijen, Danny Basavich, Marcus Chamat, Mika Immonen, Luc Salvas, Allen Hopkins, Earl Strickland, Tony Robles, John Schmidt, Rodney Morris and Santos Sambajon.

While most top players caught first round byes, a notable exception is last year's third place finisher Keith McCready who drew Ryan McCreesh in the first round.

For the first time ever, the US Open will be featured on Internet PPV at A featured match will take place each night at 9:00 PM EST starting Monday night. The ring game on Wednesday and Steve Mizerak tribute on Friday will also be shown on the PPV.

Brackets are online and will be updated all week long.

File photo courtesy of Diana Hoppe - Pool Pics By Hoppe