Why Hasn’t Betting on Billiards Become Mainstream?

Fans of billiards know that it has a following in all corners of the globe and a storied history of greats, failures and drama. But in one aspect in particular billiards has failed to keep up with other sports, when it comes to betting. Even though every weekend all over the world people might play billiards or pool, betting on the sport is very minimal when compared with other sports.

Billiards is a discipline that is closely associated with precision, strategy and skill. While it might have a storied history and an active fan base worldwide, billiards has fallen far behind other sports when it comes to the betting industry. Sports like basketball and football far surpass billiards when it comes to betting, with many betting platforms not even having the option for billiards betting. This article will explore why billiards could be fun to bet on and why it isn’t currently a popular option. The article will also shine a light on the usefulness of betting comparison sites for those interested in betting.

The attraction of betting on billiards

When observed from an outside perspective, billiards would seem to have all the makings of a great sport for betting on. With matches that can be relatively quick, while at the same time having multiple lead changes throughout meaning that the outcome is never certain. There are also a number of different types of billiards, which could provide refreshments across different betting seasons.

Looking deeper, there are hidden currents to billiards that also seem to lend themselves to those interested in betting on sports. Not only do you have to have an idea of the quality and history of the players engaging in a match, but the game itself is rather complex, and so requires a certain level of understanding in a spectator. This means that successful betting on billiards would prove a pursuit that makes the bettor feel intelligent and rewarded for being dedicated enough to see the result ahead of time.

Role of betting comparison sites

People interested in betting on billiards or any other sport would be well served by using a betting comparison site. These comparison sites, see BetBrain for an example of an experienced comparison site, help make the process of finding the best betting spots easy, while also ensuring that the whole experience is more enjoyable and that users are well-informed. Betting comparison sites are typically useful for the following:

Finding markets

Such low levels of media attention on billiards can lead to difficulties in finding betting operators that offer a range of betting operators. Thankfully a betting comparison site tailored towards the billiards niche can bring attention to the platforms that have billiards as one of the sports to bet on. Be it a snooker championship or a local pool tournament, these sites will lead you to the best opportunities.

Price comparison

The differences in odds among betting sites can be complex and subtle, but small differences can make a great impact on your potential returns. Betting comparison sites will let you check out the odds for different operators at the same time and thus make sure you are betting with the most favourable odds possible.

Thorough expert reviews 

Notable betting comparison sites compile comprehensive reviews on betting platforms factored by user experience, customer care and payment methods among other categories. For fans of billiards, these reviews are the perfect guides to discover the sites that are specially designed for niche betting.

Why billiards betting is not mainstream

Despite its potential, billiards betting is still off the radar for the following reasons:

Limited media coverage

Not having much mainstream media coverage is definitely a large contributing factor to the lack of billiards betting. Even though billiards tournaments happen regularly, they are unlikely to get anywhere near the same amount of coverage that more established mainstream sports like football and basketball get. Having less exposure means having a directly smaller pool of people who are likely to follow the sport, and therefore, fewer bettors.

The game is complex

Even though we mentioned the complexity of billiards earlier as one of the reasons it would make a good sport for betting, it would be disingenuous to ignore that that same complexity is a barrier to more casual enjoyment. Unlike many other sports, it would be difficult to tune in to a tense billiards game and get a good sense of the stakes and the action occurring.

What needs to change?

To bring billiards betting to the mainstream the following could help:

Diversification of event promotions

Billiards organizations should cooperate with video streaming networks to secure tournament visibility through increasing offers on their platform. Acquiring TV deals could be another way that would help attract a new crowd who will play and bet.

Better betting options

Betting platforms could build broader billiards markets and include live betting, among other types of bets. The addition of lesser-known formats or amateur events would also help greatly.

Partnerships and promotion

If billiard tournament organisers were to acquire partnerships with betting platforms and do some work promoting the sport in various ways, that could bring more eyes and therefore more bettors to the sport.


Billiards although a charming and highly skilful game, is simply not in the same league as other sports when it comes to betting. With limited media coverage, a smaller market size and the game itself being fairly complex, it’s no surprise that it isn’t a popular option for betting.

By promoting events, enhancing betting options and putting effort into partnerships, billiards could outgrow its niche place in the betting landscape. When it does, betting comparison sites will be able to provide interested parties with good information about betting platforms that host billiards content.