15-Rack End of the Session Tournament Results

Roger Ellis, Avery Pier and Doug Conry

On January 9th, 2010, 15-rack pool leagues held their $300 added “end of the session” tournament that was designated for players that participated in last years Fall session of league. Players got into groups of three and played 15 racks of 10-ball the ghost, which also included their handicaps. The players that finished with the highest scores after 15-racks then made it to the TV table and were guaranteed in the money.

The top-three players then played an additional 10-racks to determine their finished places. Avery Pier finished third place with 50 balls, and Doug Conry and Roger Ellis tied with 57 balls a piece leading to a exciting playoff game to determine 1st and 2nd place. Roger went first and pocketed the first fives balls before missing and then Doug broke and ran out to win the championships. Doug was very excited to win the tournament for this was his first time ever competing in ANY tournament.

Congratulations to all the players that qualified for this tournament and hats off to Doug for winning his first tournament ever!!

Next session of 15-Rack pool leagues starts the weekend of Super Bowl Sunday, February 7th, 2010 for more information you can visit www.15rack.com the next session's end of the session tournament will be held Saturday, April 24th, 2010.  

1st Place: Doug Conry $200
2nd Place: Roger Ellis $125
3rd Place: Avery Pier $75