Heros in Dangerous Water at US Open 10-Ball

The US Open 10-Ball Championship in Las Vegas is underway and the normally predictable early rounds have popped some well-known balloons with upsets. Diego Simon Parra struck down Darren Appleton 9-6, perhaps a bit of letdown on Appleton's part after scoring second place in the One-Hole. Mike Davis took on the machine and won by besting Oliver Ortmann 9-7. Raj Hundal fell from the hill when Manny Chau took him off 9-8. Rain Chiang (don't worry. I have never heard some of these names, either.) sent Corey Deuel to the left 9-7 and Sal Butera shocked none other than Johnny Archer 9-7 to send him down the long road as well.

Other matches of note included Matt Krah besting Rodney Morris 9-8. Krah had to fade Shane Van Boening last night at 11 PM but we do not have that result as yet. Francisco Bustamante is in stroke. He beat Thorsten Hohmann 9-5. David Alcaide ruined the opener for Shawn Putnam as Shawn fell to him 9-6. Max Eberle beat expectant father Marc Vidal 9-7 and Robb Saez Beat up Donny Mills 9-7. Charlie Bryant, making a return to pro pool after a layoff, snapped the dragon's tail by winning over Charlie WIlliams 9-3. John Morra ran into a very tough first match and dropped the ball 9-6 when Mika Immonen kept putting money balls away.

AZBilliards will keep you up-to-date on all the results from Vegas and we would like to thank Lucasi Hybrid Cues and the TAP league system for making our coverage possible.