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Feijen takes Longoni Open on 6th attempt!

Feijen finally wins his sponsor’s own open!

Last night, we concluded the most spectacular Longoni Benelux Open to date. With 240 entries, this sixth edition of the event was the biggest in the series. An incredible field of superb pros, counting no less than seven world champions, in a fierce battle for the championship title, the coveted Longoni cup, the fame and the substantial prize fund.

Yesterday, the elite 'Final 32' lined up some amazing matches. In the early stages of the day, there were already quite some matches worthy of a final, to name but a few:

Nick Van Den Berg (NL) vs Huidji See (NL) [1st round]
Tony Drago (NL) vs Karl Boyes (ENG) [2nd round]
Nick van den Berg (NL) vs Niels Feijen (Official) (NL) [one loss side
Huidji See (NL) vs Andreas Roschkowsky (D) [3rd round]
Ralf Souquet (D) vs Oliver Oliver "the Machine" Ortmann (Official) (D) [3rd round]
By reaching the Final 32, a fantastic achievement in itself, Longoni junior pro Kamila Khodjaeva earned the status of Best Lady, including a prize money bonus.
In the end, eight die hards reached the Quarter Finals. Reigning world 9ball champion Niels Feijen escaped from elimination with hill/hill matches against fellow countryman Nick van den Berg and former world 8ball champion Karl Boyes. Tony Drago, dealt with his opponents in 'Tornado' mode, which put him in the quarters so fast that that he had to wait a long time for all the other matches to catch up. The double knock out stage resulted in the following Quarter Finals:
Andreas Roschkowsky (D) 8-7 Marc Bijsterbosch (NL)
Oliver Ortmann (D) 3-8 Daryl Peach (ENG)
Lars Kuckherm (D) 8-5 Kevin Becker (D)
Tony Drago (MLT) 4-8 Niels Feijen (NL)
Former Longoni Benelux Open Champions reached the first Semi Final. While the other saw two German '1. Bundesliga' teammates facing each other in battle:
Andreas Roschkowsky (D) 5-8 Daryl Peach (ENG)
Lars Kuckherm (D) 3-8 Niels Feijen (NL)
In the end, the conclusion of the event was a revanche match of the 2012 Final. This time, the pool gods favoured Niels Feijen, who had his more than eager eyes on nothing else but the prize. Eventually, 'The Terminator' had to win the Longoni Benelux Open. Everybody expected him to. After all, he is the event's MVP.
Daryl Peach (ENG) 3-8 Niels Feijen (NL)
((( Niels Feijen is the 2014 Longoni Benelux Open Champion )))
In the meantime, the 2014 Longoni Benelux Open Ladies Side Event's Final was still in progress. It became a double hill thriller. Martine Christiansencould have finished it. Instead, she left the 9ball rattling in the jaws of the corner pocket. The cool and collected Kamila Khodjaeva grabbed the opportunity with both hands and pocketed the last two balls for the win. Double success for the fresh new Longoni team member.
Martine Christiansen (NOR) 4-5 Kamila Khodjaeva (B)
There was no better scenario than this for Longoni cues. A double win, the most successful and fulfilling event in the series and smiling faces, throughout the long weekend.
And last, but not least, I want to thank all the players and spectators for attending in great numbers, Thurston Rotterdam and its great staff for hosting the event, Kem Sen and his team for putting together a fantastic live stream, the tournament staff – Alain Desmet, Tom Penrose,Stefan Osnabrug and guest master photographer JP Parmentier – and the people who helped – Crelis Hogchem and Johan Bakermans – all our partners in this venture: Hotel One, King Kong Hostel, Sumo, KNBB, Kamui,Serge Das Billiards, Loontjens Biljarts, Iwan Simonis, Saluc for their Aramith pool balls and Rotterdam Topsport.

Mosconi Cup USA Team Captain’s Report #1

The Team with Amir Pishdad

May/June 2014
In preparation for the PartyPoker Mosconi Cup XXI to be held December 1st through 4th in Blackpool, England, we assembled Team USA in San Diego, California for our very first team get-together. 
In our first team meeting we covered the tentative schedule for the year, and discussed what is expected of the team.  Honor, integrity, professionalism, and dedication to training were discussed as the goals for the team. 
We introduced Lieutenant Commander (retired) Amir Pishdad, a legendary Navy SEAL, who was our host for the weekend.  Amir is an extremely inspirational and motivational speaker, and he is expert in the principles of intense training, and the true meaning of honor, integrity, and teamwork. 
His assistance, inspiration, and motivation were such that by the end of the weekend, the team made him an honorary member of Team USA; and we hope to have him present to advise us during the Cup competition in Blackpool.
On May 23rd we were allowed the rare privilege of visiting the Navy SEAL training center in Coronado.  The team was able to see first-hand the extreme dedication and work ethic of our nation’s most elite warriors.  We exposed the team firsthand to the SEAL principles of “no excuses,” work harder today than yesterday, work harder than you thought you could, work harder than your opponent, be relentlessly positive, and honor above all else. 
We also gave them a powerful example of the real meaning of teamwork – as the SEALs know, it is not just cheering during a match, it is relentless and grueling training during the year so you do not let the team down. 
On May 24th we held a clinic for local players at On Cue Billiards in La Mesa with all proceeds donated to the CalDiego Paralyzed Veterans Association.  We wanted to assist the players in developing the expertise to give a polished, entertaining, and professional clinic – something that will help them in the future make a better living in the sport. 
There was a big community turnout and media coverage; and the participants were thrilled with the experience.

That evening, we held a Mosconi Cup style match against the best San Diego players the room could find.  We won 11-4 (Oscar’s father Ernesto Dominguez played for San Diego, and was responsible for two of their four victories). 
We had an excellent turnout of spectators; and a much younger audience than is usual for a pool competition.  Though the level of play was stellar; the behavior and sportsmanship of our players was exemplary – something everyone now realizes is essential if our team is to change the face of the sport and become a serious threat to regain the Mosconi Cup.
On Sunday May 25th we had four hours of “Challenge the Pro”, again at On Cue Billiards.  We called it the “I Should Have Been Chosen for the Mosconi Cup Challenge”.
For a donation, local players could challenge a team member to a game of 9 ball.  If they won, they received a nice Team USA T-shirt.  The turnout was huge and we raised $1800 for the designated charity.  There was tremendous goodwill in the local community for our charitable efforts.  The players behaved well, and were positive and engaged.
We believe that as a result of this visit, our players have a whole new appreciation for what it takes to be an elite player.  The Navy SEAL’s by their example, have given us a lesson in the real meaning of hard work and team work; and taught that proficiency in itself does not excuse bad behavior. 
We want our team to strive to be new and improved role models for the sport, and to strive to train harder than ever.  They are more unified in this goal, which bodes very well for a good performance in December.
Our thanks go out to, Amir Pishdad, all the officers and enlisted men at Phil Bucklew Naval Training Center, Matchroom Sport, the ownership and employees at On Cue Billiards, and all the members of the local pool community who so enthusiastically supported the events of this very memorable weekend. 
Mark Wilson – Captain
Don Wardell – Vice-Captain