New Online Coaching Program By Pro Player/Coach Paul Potier

Paul Potier

I spent 3 years testing this concept and I am now ready to offer it to anyone who wants to improve their game. It doesn’t matter where you live as we will work together online using Skype. All you need is a digital camera, a computer, Skype (free), and YouTube (free). Video yourself playing pool for 5-15 minutes then send me that video. Next, we schedule a time to communicate on Skype. During our coaching session we will watch the video together. This allows you to see yourself through my eyes. I will ask you questions pertaining to what I see in the video. We can work together to help you become whatever level of player you wish to become. As a coach I wear many hats. The most powerful role that I play is your guide in your search for excellence. This is all about you, not about me, so my most important skill is to adapt to you. I believe a good coach is a guide, mentor, partner, psychologist, teacher, trainer, motivator, and friend. Let me join you in your journey to pool playing excellence!

Special Offer:
For a limited time I am offering a free online analysis to anyone, at any level, from anywhere in the world. Just send me an e-mail to and I will show you how easy it is work with me online.
How to get your free analysis! Video yourself shooting pool for 5-10 minutes. My preference would be watching you play 8 Ball or 9 Ball. In 8 Ball break the balls and take ball in hand. Shoot your choice of solids or stripes until you miss. Then take ball in hand and shoot the other group until you miss. After any miss take ball in hand and change group until you make the 8 Ball, then take ball in hand and shoot the remaining balls in rotation until all the balls are gone. If you choose to play 9 Ball break the balls and take ball in hand. Whenever you miss take ball in hand. Keep shooting the balls in rotation until all the balls are pocketed. Respot the 9 Ball if you make it out of order and continue shooting in rotation until all the balls are pocketed. Let me know If you are having a problem sending me a video and I will help you through that process. The best way to send a video is to upload it to youtube and send me the link. I am looking forward to seeing your video. Do you have a Skype and/or a YouTube account? They are both free and very easy to use. See you soon! Paul Potier: with email at:

Here are two links to a tutorial on all the steps to take to make and send a good video: Just click or copy and paste these links to your browser:  and


Big News:
Professional player and Canadian Champion Eric Hjorleifson has hired Paul Potier as his personal coach. This is what Eric has to say about his new relationship with Paul: “I have officially signed on with Paul’s online coaching program and after our first conversations I can personally tell you that he has answered every question and  has brought up aspects of my game that I have overlooked in the past. Being an instructor myself I am always in search of new knowledge and different ways to look at this complex game. I am particularly excited to continue talking to Paul about the mental side of the game. What he has offered so far has stuck with me and I feel like our future conversations will begin to greatly strengthen that part of my game. I would strongly recommend any of our followers to get in touch with Paul and see for yourself what he has to offer.”
Eric Hjorleifson, 2014 Canadian 10 Ball Champion