2021 Derby City Classic Cancellation due to COVID-19

2021 Derby City Classic Cancellation due to COVID-19 It is with great regret that the Management Team of The Derby City Classic was forced to make the unenviable decision to cancel the event for 2021.  With the increased COVID-19 spike, the Gov. of Indiana has mandated regulations that would not allow for us to host the event.

Players and Spectators:

Thank you for the support that you have provided the DCC.  Since it all began in 1999, you have supported the event without fail.  You are what makes the sport of pool, Great!

Sponsors & DCC Staff:

Thank you for your time, energy, expertise, and sponsorship.   It takes a tremendous amount of effort to make The DCC better each year.  It simply wouldn’t happen without all of you. 

For more information, press only:

PR Contact: Chad Scharlow

Phone #: (812) 288-7665

Email: info@derbycityclassic.com

For more information on:  2022 Derby City Classic is January 21-29!

Website : www.derbycityclassic.com